Our Romanian project partner “National University of Theatre and Film “I.L. Caragiale”” so incredibly appreciated the pièce Melodia Confusa (Blurred Melody).
For this, the microdrama itself has been splitted up into different monologues so that each actor can be a hero.

“The activity was concentrated in Bucharest, because UNATC has the opportunity to present the results during a special event. Between 2-18 July 82018 we organize, with the support of Youth Department of the City Hall of Bucharest, the 6th Edition of The International Festival for Theatre Schools. The show “Melodia Confusa” (autor: Bianca Trifan, director: Giovanni Ortoleva; producer for Romania: Diana Păcurar) was included in the programme and was presented to an audience formed not only by theatre goers but also from theatre students and professors from 9 countries”


Melodia confusa
author Bianca Trifan
translator Marina Sabristov
director Giovanni Ortoleva
cast Giorgia Coco, Ludovico Fededegni, Francesca Muscatello 
costume and set designer Benedetta Galli