“Prisons are built with stones of Law, Brothels with bricks of Religion” – William Blake

Whenever there are two people, there can be a dialogue. The one who believes in dialogue has a chance to overcome his own shadow. The one who is open to receive messages from the other world shall make the right decisions in this world. But what if we lost our moral compass? Can it be found in churches or in prisons? Archetypes of human character and behavior keep returning as we are all pilgrims (that is – migrants) from birth till death. Our life journey is paved with thoughts, words and actions, which are manifestations of our inner world with its beliefs, needs and values. And yet – can we ever be right without being left (out) at the same time? Will we pay for who we‘ve been?

In a cage
author Enrico Baraldi, Milan Zavda  
translator Marina Sabristov
director Enrico Baraldi  
cast Liliana Benini, Francesca Muscatello
set designer Rossana Gea Cavallo, Marta Solari